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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Almost There!: The Season 8 Journey

So I'm rendering the video right now at 720p in .wmv format to see how it turns out. If it ends up being sparkly and crystal clear I'll run with that, if I feel it still needs some more polishing then we'll go right to 1080p or switch up formats to something better.
 After it's rendered I'll upload it in various places as times goes along. First will be a place like Fileplanet, and then Youtube. Of course it'll be embedded on the "VIDEO" page. It'll also be linked at various places like Facebook.
Read More to read about what all went into this video!

Cattywampus and myself started some time into the season that just ended. I'm not entirely sure on how much arena he had done before we started doing them, but as for myself I had only helped people here and there to get their 10 games in. I don't think at any point during WOTLK I had really seriously gotten myself a team or onto one and did serious matches with my rogue. As per my trend in Burning Crusade most of my time was spent primarily raiding. Although I carried my time in this expansion with the same thing, I did change my focus to my rogue both in PVP and in PVE. So I did have access to better items and resources this time around. I also can honestly say I did more work and in general, played MANY more games than I did in my best arena season in BC.
 Without a doubt I did the most learning this expansion. I've always devoutly watched rogue pvp videos, MLG and Blizzcon tournaments to soak up whatever I could. This is an important aspect that perhaps many people don't catch onto. They may watch these things but not necessarily with the mind frame of soaking in the things going on. They see this rogue blind a vanish and go "AWESOME!" but perhaps not know the how and why that happened.
 It's important to study what you're doing, no matter what it is, writing a paper for a school assignment, repairing your vehicle and of course playing your character both in the PVE aspect as well as the PVP side as well.

So yes, we started pretty late, we had initially ran with me as Mutilate/Prep and Cattywampus on his Resto druid. As some point I switched to Shadowdance daggers, using backstab as my main attack. He switched to his priest with a PVP Disc build. It ended up getting us much more rating than the Rogue/Druid combo did. Then even later on he switched to a PVP Shadow spec when we found ourselves stalling out at some rating I can't remember at the moment.
 Once he switched to Shadow we had IMMEDIATE success. Even with the issue of regaining synergy it was clear that we could quickly dispatch many teams in a matter of seconds, depending on the Comp of our opponents. After a few matches things really started to line up for us. We were chaining CC admist out burst. In many cases it would take someone down. A simple sap and open on the other person. Once the person was out of sap, Catty would fear, when that was broke, I'd blind.
 Many people had reserved SUB as some fun spec to play, but not as a contender type of spec. I can honestly say that if I had played Mutilate there would be many situations where if I hadn't had shadowstep, we'd of never finished our burst or won a great deal of our matches.
Even if we didn't get the burst down the first time around we usually would get the win by training one person, and then at the command of my partner in vent, we'd hards witch and blow cool downs. The combination of his direct damage burst and shadow dance allowing me the same with Ambush spamming, proved to be a very strong tool.
 One thing that's always constant is that in many cases you forget to have your video recording software running, and those often times are the moments when you go through some pretty epic and even sided battles, there were of course often times we'd end up losing but they were matches I really would have loved to put in the video. At other times you escape by the skin of your teeth, real cliffhangers where you and your partner sit back and go "wow... that was a REAAAALLLLY good match." But things happen as they do, and I luckily have a few where we were very close to losing but pull through.

I felt as though I had too much World PVP, or cheesey BG fights where sure in some cases I had a good one on one fight, but in some instances I was just nuking down people in PVE gear, or those who were already exhausted from some other fight. This time around I wanted only Arena video. At the very least I had to show my team mate's work. Although in any video it's hard to really see what the other person is doing unless you add their video captures to yours. I tried to throw in some "zoom in" effects of our combined burst, and his ability to survive in some cases single handedly by his own merits.
The music was largely chosen to fit the emotion or feel of each fight. One match in particular where he drifts very close to death I picked a music track that had a really slow,icy, kinda hopeless feel to it. It really set the mood for that moment in the match where we were a pixel away from losing. However he skillfully survived and we won.
Another match featured the Punch-Out!! Wii theme. As it was more of a feeling of just duking it out. We focused the shaman down while this DK was just beating the snot out of me, it was a match where it was an effort to keep myself alive as I was pouring death into the shaman and ignoring the DK for the most part.
I really feel that effort put into videos like that make them much more memorable than just dumping popular songs on top of video.

As for my style of game play, you'll see that at some points I completely use keybinds and at other times I use my mouse as well to use spells and items. This is a habit of mine that I naturally picked up when I was hardcore raiding as a tank. BC raiding especially required you to really do a lot of things, and react to them. The use of both styles afforded me the ability to react to whatever was happening much quicker than just keybinds or mousing alone.
None the less, get used to binding your keys, it's true when they say that those who use them get higher ratings in arenas. It also carries over to raiding. Your goal should be that you're able to play your character at its peak, and at the same time be completely aware of what's going on all around you.

As for actual gameplay.... At certain times I play entirely offensively, and at other times completely defensively. I like to think that I recognize when my opponents hard swap to me, or are trying to peel me off someone. Recognizing what the enemy is about to do is an important facet to arenas. While all classes have many tricks and niches. I feel none have the potential for them as much as rogues do. I unfortunately don't have footage of it, but my favorite trick is shadowstepping a charge/intercept. Is it very useful? Sometimes, at some points it doesn't gain you much, but at certain points it's something that can keep you from dieing. There's other token things like Blinding a vanish, or rupturing a vanish that has its advantages. Especially when you consider how powerful and important vanish is to a rogue. Many use it for hard swaps or to peel someone. Being able to to keep them visible and without the all to important opener abilities affords your team a MUCH higher chance of success.

It's all about growth, as cliche as it is, it's obviously so because its true. Any person who makes themselves a student of whatever they do, ends up to be an effective person that role or job. Naturally talented or not, the more you know the more you can do.

SO! shifting gears in this long post, the season is over! spend this time relaxing, picking up some gear to give yourself a leg up early in December when the expansion hits. Maybe hit some raids with some friends taking it easy and enjoying the game.
I know personally that's something I'm looking forward to doing along with leveling and gearing up some alts.

In the next post I'll discuss some things I feel are important to have or do as we get closer to the expansion release date! Stay Tuned.


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