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Friday, December 17, 2010

The Season Has Started

Season 9 went live earlier this week. The most important season for anyone is the first season of an expansion.
The start of the first season pretty much houses the most balanced ballfield. Everyone more or less has access to the same gear. The differences in quality of gear during this time period is entirely a persons motivation.
 What this means is if you want to pose a serious threat and have the greatest chance of getting a high rating, now is the time. However you shouldn't just jump in with your greens!

You're going to need gear, and if you're new to pvp, you're going to need to farm your PvP Trinket. Your spec can come after that, before you do anything you need the tools to get going.

Lets go over some basics...
-Your easiest route if you have a farming profession is to buy/craft the leather blue pvp set. I've always used a combination of this, and pvp gear gained through honor.

-Honor gear, you'll need pieces of this regardless of what path you take(neckpiece,rings,cloaks.) Honor gear is middle ground. With honor gear you get better stats, gem slots, and a set bonus. The cost then is increased. You'll have to farm battlegrounds for a time to allot the needed amount. This generally will be what you want to have collected up when heading into arenas.

-Tol Barad offers some gear, however this is more of a rep grind than an honor/point grind. You DO have to accumulate tokens, but for the bigger part, you're needing rep for these items, and that means plenty of days spent farming that rep via the daily quests. This is also the only way to get PVP specific weapons without doing arenas.

-Arena Gear, this gear will offer the highest stats and carry the same ilvl as the current raid level gear. This is really what you're looking to get. This is also the only way to get high ilvl pvp specific weapons.

It's not unusual to use some pve gear in your setup. Keep in mind that many people for the first month or so of arenas will have low resilience. Any resilience you do have becomes quite valuable. However it really is common to see pve rings,necks,cloaks, weapons and of course trinket (2 if your human.) Weapons are also common pve pieces used as they provide higher damage with a cost of some stamina and resilience.

Your spec matters, a lot. It might seem to be small variances when you compare your spec and a pvp spec. Many things are taken into consideration to work in unison with other talents. All in an effort to maximize survivability, utility and to also maintain good damage.

Shadowdance has become the defacto standard. I luckily played this spec through wotlk, it was popular in niche circles, and its burst heralded as amazing. However it's dependance on shadow dance for real pressure, and backstab being a positional attack, many people were shying away from it.
 However sub's changes and improvements cannot be denied anymore.
Click the image to be taken to the armory spec page in the image below.

So how about glyphs?
Prime: Hemorrage,Shadow Dance and Evicerate.
Major: Blind,Cloak Of Shadows,Sprint
Minor:Poisons,Blurred Speed,Safe Fall.

In the next post we'll go over playing Shadowdance spec. As well as some general rogue tactics.


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