A while ago Reckful posted his video "control" on skill capped's website, if you haven't seen it, you should. Whether new or old to rogue pvp in arenas this video has something for you. There's absolutely no music, and nothing in the way of editing aside from moving to the next clips. You do get a small intro but that's it.
The real value of this video is that he spends his time in the video explaining what he's doing and why. This particular video "control" has most of its time invested in explaining why rogue cc/control is not only a great defense for the team, but a real offense by pressing teams to use cooldowns to weaken themselves.
He slows down the videos in the first run so everything is at a pace that's easy to watch and understand as he explains his actions and his opponents. He then runs the video again at full speed, again with the explanatory notes to show you what it looks like in real time. It's one of the best things I've seen in a while, nobody else has done a video like this, and sure its on Skill Capped's site, but this video is public and free. I'd love to see more videos from him and others like this.
He'd then later on post his new pvp video "reckful 3" which is pretty short (10 minutes) but is an excellent watch!
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