Litreocola had this to say.
highest level resil gear
Realistically you’re shoving agi into red slots, and resilience right now into yellow slots.
Any other season you could probably tweak this gemming theory, but since this is the
first season of the xpac, there’s not alot of resilience to be had, but there’s tons of pve
gear. Remember there were no skirmishes done when the 4.0 patch hit. No way to test
these changes to specs and so on. So for a while people will still be learning to finer parts
that have now made themselves part of their class.
Reforging I’m told for Sub is leaning towards getting Haste. Mastery is nice, but Eviscerate
is only a small part of what we do as Shadowdance. Our strength is obviously from that
talent. Shadowdance allows us to dump up to 4 Ambushes into someones ass. It allows a
cheapshot,ambush,garrote,ambush setup. But what will forging Haste do? Well we’ll regen
our energy faster from quicker swings. The more energy were returning, the more were putting
back into someones face.
boots-Assassin’s Stepbracer-Greater Critical Strike
chest-40 resilience
cloak-Greater Critical Strike
gloves-50 haste
Weapon (MH)-Landslide will be the tops imo, however avalanche is fine until you have a good
mainhand weapon
Weapon (OH) weapon chain
Shoulders-Therazane enchant
Helm-dps enchant
Anything I’ve left out is because it’s a no brainer ordeal. Like legs should obviously get a DPS
leg kit.
So that’s about it for gemming and chanting. Working on video as we speak.
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