Yes yes it's been forever, I know.. Between leveling up a main on Bloodhoof,being sick,hockey,and being savior of the world and all that.. I've just been quite busy, and also lets be honest for a second, Discipline Priests are getting a well needed buff. RMP just isn't meant to play a game of "do zero damage because you have to keep your priest afloat."
We also didn't use the exploit to keep rating even in a loss. Most of us didn't use the bug in Tol Barad to get the 1800 honor every other match.
So for playing fair, we actually lost out. As the people that did get caught up for the bugs via arena rating, just had their weapons effectively taken from them. That's it. If you were part of the Tol Barad honor fest. You keep your goods, the honor in that place is just nerfed.
So for playing fair we gained not a single thing. As I had said to some friends, I'd write something to Blizzard but the reality of it is that even if they did read it, nothing would happen. My team wouldn't get a present of honor in our mailboxes. We'd get a pat on the head "you guys play fair, good for you!"
So that could be partially why I'm not posting as much. As I had most certainly hoped that with the launch of this season that things like those exploits would have been all nice and ironed out, we'd have us a real humdinger of an arena season with everyone on equal footing and everything. But looking back on it, when you also take in the history of pvp with this game, I was foolish to think it'd be all peaches and cream.
At any rate, were at 1600MMR, our actual rating is 1450. So were doing something right, even with our currently gimped priest (horray incoming buffs.) For the time being I've switched from Shadowdance to Mutilate just because I really wasn't putting out the pressure (LOL DAMAGE) that was respectable with Shadow Dance, tons of mobility, some good pressure while the Dance is up, but nothing like the nonstop pressure Muti provides. The downside of course is that I can get kited around like a kitten by dk's and so on.
HOWEVER, Sub is getting buffs, backstab and hemo will hit much harder, bringing some much needed damage to the spec. So I'll most likely be making the change back to Shadow Dance once the patch drops!
1700 or bust this week, BELIEVE IT!
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